深圳华清仪器仪表有限公司华南总经销 本公司有惊喜 * 保修一年 路昌LX-110数字照度计LIGHT METER, + Type K/J TEMP. Model : LX-110 * 0 to 20,000 Lux, 0 to 2,000 Ft-cd. auto range. * Sensor meet C.I.E. spectrum. * Light sensor with 2 filters, professional quality. * Data hold, Record (max., min.). * 1600 Data logger point. * Optional data transmission software, SW-DL2005. * Separate probe, easy operation. * Type K Thermometer : -100 to 1300 oC, oC/oF. * Type J Thermometer : -100 to 1200 oC, oC/oF. * RS-232 computer interface. * DC 9V battery (006P) or DC 9V adapter in. |